Monday, September 21, 2009

Firewater Job Ad - Bizcommunity

This was a posting on Bizcommunity advertising an employment opportunity within the Firewater Group, the brief was, basically, cover the details, include the salary and ensure that applicants will fit into the company culture.

Little Delicious

This brief involved writing a "press release" for a bakery, giving a touch of background on both the establishment and the baker herself while creating a feel for the place and, naturally, enticing the reader to find out more.
It was used as part of the soft pitch component of the clients business plan.

Laying out the Welcome mat.

Welcome to Outer Temporalia, my name is Aggie and I will be your host for this evening, please keep all appendages within the vehicle, breathe deeply if you feel nauseous and be sure to enjoy your trip!
Outer Temporalia was discovered by my alter ego Lara in late 2009, after losing her inner accountant to a brown bear during an Alaskan hunting trip. Finding the locals reasonable, the fish plentiful and the Protea's larger than anywhere else on earth she decided to set up her hammock and move in.
This blog is primarily supposed to serve as a copywriting portfolio until she does something useful and creates a formal version somewhere in the netiverse.
In the meantime, please keep your hat and seatbelt fastened where they fit.
Happy hunting!